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Optimizing Ergonomics and Productivity by Connecting Digital Human Modelling...

At SPS2020 (the 9th Swedish Production Symposium), held 6-9 October 2020 in Jönköping, PhD student Aitor Iriondo Pascual will present his paper Optimizing Ergonomics and Productivity by Connecting Digital Human Modelling and Production Flow Simulation Software.

The paper reports work on the development of a platform that enables the connection of different types of simulation software. In the paper Aitor explains how output and input data from a production flow simulation and an ergonomics simulation software (digital human modeling software) can be handled by the developed platform.

The purpose is to enable consideration of outcomes from both production and ergonomic simulations in one tool, as a foundation for performing simulation-based multi-objective optimization studies of productivity and ergonomics. In this way, the process of performing multi-objective optimization of ergonomics and productivity can be automated, enabling optimized design solutions to be found more easily and quickly. Also, it is anticipated that the platform will encourage integrated work patterns and mutual understanding between production engineers and ergonomists.

Conclusively, this research enables that both production issues and ergonomic issues can be considered in parallel when future production facilities are designed and optimized using digital tools.

This work has been carried out within the VF-KDO research profile (KKS), the MOSIM project (ITEA3), and the Virtual Ergonomics synergy project (KKS).

Reference: Iriondo Pascual, A., Högberg, D., Syberfeldt, A., Brolin, E., Hanson, L. (2020). Optimizing Ergonomics and Productivity by Connecting Digital Human Modeling and Production Flow Simulation Software. Proceedings of SPS2020, Jönköping, Sweden, 6-9 Oct, 2020.

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