Cancelled: MANUWORK - Presentation and demonstration
Bringing together Lean and simulation: a comprehensive review, International Journal of Production R
A hybrid simulation-based optimization framework supporting strategic maintenance development
Application of Multi-objective Optimization on Ergonomics in Production – A Case Study
Trend Mining: A Visualization Technique to Discover Variable Trends in the Objective Space
A parameterless performance metric for reference-point based multi-objective evolutionary
Generating Uniformly Distributed Points on a Unit Simplex for Evolutionary Many-Objective
Augmented Reality Smart Glasses for Industrial Assembly Operators
Metamodel-based multi-objective optimization of a turning process
Virtual Human-Robot Collaboration
Memento hominibus: on the fundamental role of end users in real-world interactions with neuromorphic
Visual Growing Neural Gas for Exploratory Data Analysis
Improved Human-Robot Collaboration Through Simulation-Based Optimization
Proposal of an Intuitive Interface Structure for Ergonomics Evaluation Software
Apply now: Customized courses for industry professionals
Development and evaluation of an anthropometric module for digital human modelling systems
Industrial Path Solutions - Intelligently Moving Manikins
Views from the production floor of the future
Optimizing real-world factory flows using aggregated discrete event simulation modelling
Simulation-Based Multi-Objective Optimization Of Ergonomic And Productivity Factors